
Ya-CULT classic!

If you’re a big fan of Yakult and can hardly keep yourself from drinking another bottle then this list of recipes is definitely for you!

Switch it up a bit by using your favourite probiotic drink in recipes! Enjoy your Yakult as a milkshake, a scoop of ice cream, a glass of milk tea, and more!

Yakult Milkshake

Step aside, vanilla / strawberry / chocolate (and the other usuals) milkshake … here’s a recipe that’ll excite the tastebuds!

Photo from Pickles & Tea

Here’s the recipe from Pickles & Tea,


4 to 5 bottles of Yakult
1 scoop Vanilla ice cream


  1. Pour the Yakult into a tall glass, make sure to leave a few inches at the top so it won’t overflow later.
  2. Afterwards, scoop a generous amount of ice cream and lay it on top.
  3. Insert a straw and enjoy! (You can also blend it if you like).

Soju Yakult

If you really haven’t tried mixing these two together, take this as a sign! It’s a favourite of many and we’re not kidding when we say you’re truly missing out.

soju yakult
Photo from @gajaph


2 shots of Yakult
2 shots of Soju


Grab your glass of choice and mix all these ingredients together, add ice and enjoy!

Yakult Fruit Slushie

Fruity goodness combined with Yakult will you give an especially refreshing drink to combat the Manila heat. Try this super easy recipe out!

Photo from

Here’s the recipe from,


1 bottle of Yakult
1/4 cup fresh juice of your choice, Yummy chose mango and grape


  1. Mix Yakult, juice or soda, and soju (if using) in a small resealable freezer bag and remove as much air as possible before sealing.
  2. Mix the ice and salt in a larger resealable freezer bag then insert the smaller freezer bag in the large bag.
  3. Seal larger bag, removing as much air as possible.
  4. Massage for 3-8 minutes or until you get your desired texture. (Tip: Cover the bag with a towel when churning to prevent the ice from freezing your hands, too!)
  5. Remove small freezer bag, and spoon slushies into glasses. Serve immediately!

Lemon Yakult Ice Crush

You can try making yourself one of the best sellers of Happy Lemon and that’s their Lemon Yakult Smoothie. All you need is Yakult, fresh lemon, and honey!

Photo from

Here’s the recipe from,


2 bottles of Yakult
1 lemon, juiced
3 tbsp honey
350 ml water
Ice cubes


  1. In a cocktail mixer, combine all ingredients and shake well!
  2. Pour mixture in a glass then serve. Add more honey if you prefer it sweeter. Enjoy!

Yakult Milk Tea

Milk tea and yakult are just those types of drinks that we will never get tired of so why not combine both??

Photo from Cosmo PH

Here’s the recipe from Cosmo PH,


1 bottle of Yakult
1 tea bag
Milk, your preference how much


  1. Boil water and pour it into a mug. Place your chosen tea bag and let it brew for three to five minutes. Set it aside.

  2. If you want sinkers in your milk tea, now’s the time to prepare it.

  3. Pour your sinkers in your tea that you set aside awhile ago.

  4. Add some milk into that mug and empty the Yakult bottle afterwards.

  5. Stir your drink and taste it. You can either add more milk or sugar to make it as creamy or as sweet as you’d like.

Lychee Yakult Bubble Tea

Another milk tea recipe but this time with the sweetness of lychee.

Photo from

Here’s the recipe from Debbie Teoh of,


4 bottles Yakult
250 ml lychee syrup
6 pieces lychee
4 tablespoons cooked sago balls
4 tablespoons nata-de-coco
Ice cubes


  1. Drain the lychee syrup from the can
  2. In a mixing jug, mix the cultured milk and lychee syrup together.
  3. In each of the two glasses, divide the cooked sago, lychee fruit, and nata-de-coco evenly.
  4. Pour the liquid from the jug into the prepared glasses & top with shaved ice.
  5. Serve immediately.

Yakult Ice Cream

You can try making your very own ice cream at home as long as you have condensed milk and All Purpose Cream. Try out this recipe to make it Yakult flavoured! You can watch the video below,


2 Packs (medium sized variety) All Purpose Cream
1 can condensed milk
3-5 bottles of Yakult


  1. Grab a large bowl and pour all of the All Purpose Cream then blend with a hand mixer.
  2. Once the cream is thicker, add in the condensed milk and blend again.
  3. Now, add the bottles of Yakult, blend again.
  4. Place this mixture in a large enough container, freeze overnight, and enjoy your DIY ice cream experiment!

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