
No need to book a flight to Bacolod anymore.

Let’s admit it, knowing someone is bringing home pasalubong is akin to similar to knowing that you’ll receive a gift on your birthday or on Christmas day. There’s a sense of giddiness and excitement brought about by the idea that you’ll receive a well-thought-out gift of sorts on an ordinary day.

Also check out: Where to Buy Your Favorite Pinoy Pasalubong within Metro Manila

Among the many types of pasalubongs one can bring home, one of the most well-received is food. And if you’ve been traveling around the country, then you’re well aware that each province has a specialty or at least a well-known store that you just have to visit. For Bacolod, in particular, that’s Merzci.

To those who can’t get enough of Merzci’s eats and treat, we have some good news for you.

Branch Merzci
Photo from Facebook | Merzci – Best Bacolod Pasalubon

On October 14, they’re finally opening a branch in Blumentritt and they’ll be offering their all-time favorites: Piaya, Biscocho, Tarts, and Napoleones.

Napoleones Merzci
Photo from Facebook | Merzci – Best Bacolod Pasalubong
Photo from Facebook | Merzci – Best Bacolod Pasalubong

Craving for some of their treats now? Put a pin in your calendar to travel – not by plane to Bacolod – but by car to Blumentritt to get your cravings satisfied. For more information, check out their social media pages.

View their Facebook page
View their Instagram account

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We know you loved using the Booky app for discovering the newest places in your city. Given these extraordinary times, we want to continue being helpful so check out our updated food delivery guidewhere to shop for groceries online, and more.


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