
And they’ve been accepting reservations since October 31

When the modern Japanese restaurant 12/10 (Twelveteen) closed last October 2020, many of us were devastated and wished that the famous Izakaya would reopen its doors one day.

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And just like that, last October 30, our wishes came true! They’ve finally re-opened and are now accepting reservations. Here’s a glimpse of the team that made this all happen.

twelveten team
Photo from @twelvetenph

Who is 12/10?

12/10 is a popular Japanese restaurant in Makati that’s well-loved for its unique and innovative style of Japanese cuisine. Their vibes are cool and elegant, which is why they welcome groups of friends seeking a memorable night, first dates and anniversary dinners in search of something new, and the ever-hungry Manileno who craves the modern twist of flavors.

twelveten reopening
Photo from Instagram: @twelvetenph
twelveten reopening
Photo from Instagram: @twelvetenph

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