

If there’s one thing we missed since March, it’s most definitely dining at our favourite KBBQ joints! Unlimited meats and banchan with good company is something we’ll never get tired of and you know what? Romantic Baboy has now opened their doors for dine-in guests!

Photo from Facebook | Romantic Baboy

Yes, Romantic Baboy, one of the biggest KBBQ chains in the country is now accepting walk-ins in a select number of branches. Of course, safety is top priority so here are some things you should expect upon entering.

First, they practice a “no mask, no entry” policy. You’ll also have to fill up a customer health declaration form and have your temperature checked by staff (they’ll be fully equipped with face masks, face shields, and disposable gloves), there’ll be 2 hour limit when dining, seniors aren’t allowed as well as minors unless accompanied by a guardian, and you should follow and respect the 1 meter chair distance.

Photo from Romantic Baboy

There’ll also be frequent store sanitation and the branch will be at a 30% capacity meaning, only 2 persons will be allowed in a table of 4 while 4 persons will be allowed in a table of 6.

For those still keen on having their Romantic Baboy favourites delivered, no need to worry as they’ll still be accepting pick-up and deliveries!

Here are some of the branches that are now open, expect more to open up in the coming days!

Ali Mall, Taft, Masangkay, Manggahan, and Malvar (click to open up their Facebook pages)

We know you loved using the Booky app for discovering the newest places in your city. Given these extraordinary times, we want to continue being helpful so check out our updated food delivery guidewhere to shop for groceries online, and more.


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