“Consistency with your purpose.”
The high infection rates of COVID-19 has, understandably, forced many yoga and other fitness studios to close doors leaving many owners shocked as to how then can they still cater to their patrons.
From managing YogaPlus’ overall marketing, operations, sales, and strategies, Managing Director, Dinah Salonga was also part of the Top 10 Outstanding Entrepreneurs by Entrepreneur Magazine of Summit Publishing and luckily, we were able to discuss with her how YogaPlus navigated their way through the many obstacles brought about by the pandemic.
Dinah recalls what steps they took early on to identify opportunities, tackle rising challenges, and overall, what they’ve learned from it.
Adapt and Refine
YogaPlus, like many other fitness studios around the world, was forced to close their branches due to the virus’ high risk of infection which left practitioners wondering what’s next for their fitness routine?
Almost immediately after closure, Dinah shares how one of their partners and teachers suggested the idea of holding a free Facebook Live class and much to their excitement, there were around 500 people who’ve joined the live and the video reached up to 15,000 views!
They quickly saw the potential and benefits from holding live classes and have since continued but now with a more refined structure with specific classes, schedules, and subscription packages thus calling it their #YogaPlusVirtualStudio. The online platform not only helped them continue to share the benefits of yoga to patrons but has also made them reach a wider audience and not limited to those residing in Metro Manila.
Make mistakes, just try it!
For many businesses, transitioning online seems to be the most efficient option and it’s most certainly the best for yoga studios like YogaPlus. Dinah’s advice? “If it’s possible to do it online, as much as possible… hop on to the platform! Make mistakes! A lot of people are scared, [they] don’t know how to do it, [they] don’t know Zoom, [they] haven’t done Facebook live… just try it!”
Photo from Facebook | yogaplusph
As Dinah shares, with any business model, what’s important is reconnecting to your vision and purpose. For YogPlus, there was never a question of not continuing because their goal, “is to transform individuals through our classes and to empower them [through] their mind, body, and wellness. To us, the virtual platform is just a different channel; we are still doing what we were meant to do and it’s just a matter of adjusting to it.”
The pandemic is a unique and challenging time that can leave many scared but Dinah urges entrepreneurs to just reconnect by asking themselves, “Are you still doing what you want to do and what you said you would do? Consistency with your purpose [is vital].”
You may watch the full video of our interview with Dinah Salonga by clicking here or view the highlights below.
Check out their website
View available YogaPlus vouchers
Check out their Facebook page
View their Instagram account
The pandemic has brought about new and unique challenges that many businesses are currently facing and we hope that our Business in The Time of COVID-19 series can help you and your team navigate through many of these obstacles. You may follow our LinkedIn page for up and coming discussions with other business leaders in the country.