It’s that time of the month again. . .

The community quarantine has left many of us limited at home and possibly less active than before but we can use this time to find the road back to a healthier and fitter lifestyle!

Girls have the power to withstand anything! Yeah, you know what we’re talking about ladies! When it’s the time of the month, even that won’t stop you from checking into the ‘sweat station.’

Here’s a helping hand for the woman-on-the-go! Ticking a workout from your day is awesome, but taking care of yourself is KEY. Know your boundaries and listen to your body when capital “P” is back to make your back throb and abdomen cramp! Here’s a list of everything you need to know when working out on your period!

The Wedgie Dilemma

The major discomfort you feel during your period is definitely no lie! Girls feel the ick-factor raise once the clock hits that time of the month. What more when working out? Just imagining all that sweat, stickiness, and most importantly… the troublesome wedgies we get during an intense moment in a workout!

It get so annoying to tuck out your shorts or undies in the middle of a sweat-situation! The best way to solve this? Find an underwear that fits your pad! There are period panties available online right now that work like heaven! They keep your pad in place when doing any activity.

Photo from @shethinx

You can also try layering your bottoms. Wearing cycling shorts can keep that pad in place during a heavy session of cardio. If you really must, tampons are also available at your local Mercury Drug and Watsons— costing no less than ₱130! You can also go for the more environmentally friendly option, by using menstrual cups!

Photo from @peachlifecup

Listen to your Body

The worst thing you can do working out on your period, is to overwork your body. Remember, your body’s going through a lot of changes during your menstrual cycle. You might be breaking out, having cramps, experiencing mood swings, or having sore breasts!

You might easily get tired during a workout session, so it doesn’t hurt to get some rest. The quality of your workout and your body’s well-being, matters more than just ticking an exercise of your “to-do list.” A well-timed rest in between sets will give you enough energy to keep going and also let your body adjust!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Blood loss is extensive during your period, which can leave you exhausted and heavily dehydrated. Around this time, your body may experience sudden cramps during a workout or just feel terribly worn-out.

Your body will try to preserve water at the start of your period because the estrogen and progesterone levels will be low. This is also the reason why you get so bloated! As you progress through your period, you start to become more and more dehydrated.

Photo from @Kayla_Itsines

So to survive your workout routine, water is the key sis! It’ll help replenish all that loss liquid and even ease out the cramps! It also doesn’t hurt to add a lemon slice in there. You can also drink Pocari Sweat, Hydrite, or Berocca to boost your system.

You’re not alone!

You’re going through the day but somehow everything is just irritating you. . . The Manila traffic, the hot and smoky weather, and. . . PEOPLE? Sounds familiar? We’ve all been there during our cycle!

Photo from @ibanzon

Exercise actually helps get those blues out of the way. With a quick sweat you’re initially saying goodbye to PMS! Working out gives the perfect endorphin high to last you for a day, especially on the heavy ones (wink). Endorphins are also natural pain killers. So, the discomfort might fade away mid sweat session!

It’s alright to be picky!

Choosing the type of workout you do during menstruation is crucial to how your body can keep up with the rest of that week! Essentially, being in your period is the best time to actually do some high intensity workouts. This is because during your cycle, you access more carbohydrates and glycogen easily.

Sounds too much?

Well the best workout to do for your period all boils down to what you really feel like doing! There are many options for you like cardio, strength training, yoga or pilates, and even swimming! If you think your body can take it, then you-do-you girl! It’s also important to take a step back from time to time, just to let your body and mind have ample rest.

Munchies, baby!

Craving for milk tea? How about some samgyupsal? Oh don’t you fret, honey! You’re not going through a mid-life crisis, you’re just on your period!

Possibly the best thing about working out on your period is the additional food intake you’re allowed to consume. Remember you’re losing lots of water during this period in time, which is why it’s important to eat fruits rich in water! This helps combat the cramping.

Photo from @mrs_kitchen_fairy

Naturally your body loses a lot of iron during your cycle. Makes sure to incorporate iron-rich foods into your diet. You can eat as much red meat, poultry meat, spinach, or oats as you want!

And you know what? If you’re craving for chocolate or cake? Go ahead! Don’t deny yourself of the simple joys in life. Just make sure you eat to an extent. Have control with your sugar intake and don’t go overboard when it comes to those sweets! Too much of something can be bad too!

Photo from @_yazminelle

We gotchu, sis!

These tips are guaranteed to give you the best period-workout imaginable! Feel free to adjust any of these to your lifestyle, just make sure to promise us you’ll put that sweat in!

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