That’s a stretch…
We decided over at Booky that it’s high time to go beyond food and give you more. There’s so much to do and discover and we’re opening up Metro Manila to help you find your flavor starting with fitness and beauty. The new and improved Booky is stronger and cuter than ever.
In life, sometimes you’re not only asked to stretch your budget but asked to stretch physically to reach your favorite food at the back of the cabinet or even to squat to pick up something you just dropped. It may be challenging but it doesn’t have to be so hard especially if you train your body to be more flexible.
But flexibility, apparently, isn’t just trying to touch your toes repeatedly. To be truly flexible, you have to prep your body to take on the task. Here are five steps you can help your body do that.
5. Remove the Tension
First things first, check if you have tension in your body. Sometimes, these areas of tension manifest itself as muscle knots or trigger points. If you have muscle knots, it’ll be difficult for you to be more flexible.
Therefore, the first step to becoming more flexible is by avoiding muscle knots which are caused by poor posture, dehydration, unhealthy eating habits, stress, and anxiety. So if you’re feeling an area that’s a bit tight and contracted – even a bit sensitive or swollen – best address that first.
4. Be (more) Chill
One more important thing that you should do is to be more chill. Relax, don’t push yourself too quickly or too hard immediately or you just might tear your muscles and tendons. Breathe whenever you stretch ’cause it’ll put your mind at ease, release the tension in your muscles, and get you on the right track to moving your body from one position to the other.
Drink loads of water instead of coffee. Water has loads of benefits; It helps regulate our body temperature, transport oxygen in your body, and absorb heat from the muscles that’ll make it easier for you to stretch.
Also read: Your Most Loved Aerial Yoga Studios in Metro Manila
3. . . . But Not Too Chill
To be more flexible, you also have to move and to strengthen your muscles. See, muscle strength is needed for stable joints. So, if your muscles aren’t strong enough to stabilize that joint, when you stretch, you’re just making your joint more vulnerable to injury and no one wants that.
Plus, being more flexible requires dedication which means that you’ll have to do your stretching plan every day until your muscles become used to it.
2. Take Yoga, Pilates, or Dance Classes
Try taking a yoga, pilates, or dance classes. Who knows, your body may not be the only one that’s so relaxed to the point of having good flexibility but also your mind – to the point that you’re more open and less stressed. Each program has their own poses/ways to strengthen your muscles and make you flexible.
Check out: Top 10 Yoga Studios in Metro Manila
1. Never give up
It’s normal to hit some bumps in the road and to feel worried especially when things aren’t going your way. But if there’s one thing that you should know about learning how to be more flexible, it’s that it requires a lot of patience and consistency. After all, it’s highly suggested in flexibility, just like in many other activities is to always have fun.
People may say mind over matter, but in this case, your mind plays a huge role in achieving your goals. Think positive and keep flexing. You’ll be much more flexible before you know it.
Looking for more fitness related activities? Download Booky and check out our fitness section and stumble upon activities or other articles that’ll give you the strong, fit, and lean body that you desire.

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Do you even lift (your phone), bro? You can use the Booky app to search for new fitness activities and places to workout. iPhone, Android, no internet, we got you, fam.
We’re more than just food at Booky and we’re here to give you the lo-down on the best things to do and discover all over Metro Manila—food, fitness, beauty, and more. Download the Booky app for FREE to discover today’s best idea.