
Had a bad week? Nothing a cookie can’t fix!

If hugs were foodified, it would definitely be a cookie. Warm, soft, and sweet, cookies are one of the best snacks or desserts you can have when you want to reward yourself for a good job or comfort yourself after a tough week you’ve had.

Also check out: Munch on these Cookies for Every Budget Bracket

This weekend, as treat, receive a hug in the form of a cookie from Mo’s. They’ll be bringing out their cookie trays at lunch (11 AM to 1 PM) and dinner time (5 PM to 7 PM) offering up free bites at their kiosk on the Upper Ground Floor, Uptown Mall.

Photo from Facebook | Mo’ Cookies

For more information on new promos they may release in the future, their menu, and more, check out their social media accounts:

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View their Instagram account

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