We decided over at Booky that it’s high time to go beyond food and give you more. There’s so much to do and discover and we’re opening up Metro Manila to help you find your flavor starting with fitness and beauty. The new and improved Booky is stronger and cuter than ever.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever made an excuse not to go to the gym.

Photo from Giphy

You’re not alone. It’s difficult to stay motivated sometimes, especially when you’ve just started working out and are experiencing body pains. But you have to stay strong—for your health, but also for your (future/already) sexy body! Stay on track by doing these things:

1. Set a goal

Having a goal is key for maintaining motivation. Have a big main goal and several small ones, and list them down. Make your small goals attainable within a few weeks so it’s easy for you to feel like you’re succeeding in making your ultimate goal come true.

2. Take a “before” photo and gym selfies

The best way to stay motivated? Seeing how far you’ve come. Take that “before” photo and all the post-gym selfies you want and keep them in an album. You put so much effort before, why can’t you put in as much now? Plus, it’s a great way to get featured in a future article if you tag it using #bookyapp 😜

3. Workout with a strong friend

We all have that friend who never skips a day in the gym. Ask them if you could join them during their schedule so you have no excuse but to go. It’s scientifically proven that workout time and intensity are increased if you work out with a friend whom you perceive is better than you.

4. Get competitive

While it’s good to compete against yourself (like trying to beat your best time for a mile-long run), competing against other people ups the stakes. In a study published in Preventive Medicine Reports, it was found that people put in competitive environments did 90% more workouts than those who weren’t.

5. Hire a trainer

If the friend thing ain’t working for you, hire a physical trainer. Getting a trainer is expensive (which is already enough reason to stay committed!), but you will also be guided by someone who’s very knowledgeable, so you know your workout will actually result in a better body.

6. Get cute workout clothes

Project an image of athleticism! Invest in pieces that allow movement and keep you cool and dry. Not only will you look cute in your gym selfies, you’ll also feel more comfortable during your workout because they’re designed for function.

6. Try something new

Doing pretty much the same routine can get boring after a while. Switch up your exercises by enrolling in various group classes. There are so many fitness classes you can try and with Booky’s help, you can even avail of them at a discount! #shamelessplug

8. Reward yourself once in a while

Working out is no fun if you’re so rigid about your diet and routines. Live a little and treat yo self to a little something at the end of the week. You deserve it, after all.

GIFS from Giphy

Do you even lift (your phone), bro? You can use the Booky app to search for new fitness activities and places to workout. iPhone, Android, no internet, we got you, fam.

We’re more than just food at Booky and we’re here to give you the lo-down on the best things to do and discover all over Metro Manila—food, fitness, beauty, and more. Download the Booky app for FREE to discover today’s best idea.