You’re a smart, strong, BEAUTIFUL, independent woman!

We decided over at Booky that it’s high time to go beyond food and give you more. There’s so much to do and discover and we’re opening up Metro Manila to help you find your flavor starting with fitness and beauty. The new and improved Booky is stronger and cuter than ever.

Everyone has meh days. We bet our butts that even Beyoncé has moments when she doesn’t feel like she could run the world. You don’t always have to be have everything together, it’s normal to have bad days! But when you feel like maybe you need a little confidence boost, try these tips.

1. Swipe on a killer red lipstick

Photo from Giphy

Poppy King, creator of cosmetic brand Lipstick Queen, said “Red lipstick is a source of strength,” and it’s easy to see why she would make such a statement. Red lipstick is often associated with power, sexiness, and confidence. So swipe some on before you head out—you’re a badass who’s gonna take over the world.

2. Intensify that gaze with a wing

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Try a winged eye look to transform those less-than-happy eyes. The upward stroke of a winged eyeliner lifts your eyes and makes them look fierce and more awake. Not only will you have a killer stare, it’s also proves you’ve got everything together because nailing a perfect wing on both eyes takes mad skills.

3. Or, take your makeup off and do your skincare routine

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Sometimes, all it takes to feel better is a cooling face mask, a good moisturizer, and just laying back and relaxing. So go give yourself some TLC and…

4. Watch a girl power movie

You, after watching Wonder Woman, dodging bad vibes like it’s NBD.
Photo from Giphy

Feel inspired to be kick-butt woman by watching flicks the feature strong female characters. There’s literally a girl power movie for any mood you’re in!

5. Wear your favorite outfit

Photo from Giphy

Wearing clothes that look good and feel good boosts confidence because it makes you feel comfortable and secure about yourself. So always have your favorite outfit ready: it’s like your super suit!

6. Wear matching undies

Photo from Giphy

Wearing a set of sexy underpants can make you feel like you’ve put more thought and effort on yourself, and according to psychologist Dawnn Karen, matching your undergarments is a mood-enhancer. Plus, the correct-fitting undies that don’t give you any additional rolls make your outfit look infinitely better!

7. Spray on your favorite scent

Photo from Giphy

Fact: Certain smells can trigger memories, so put on that scent that reminds you of that time you felt regal and fearless. It’ll help you relax and feel more secure and it makes you more memorable to other people.

8. Do a power pose

Photo from Giphy

Body language says a lot about a person, and a person who slouches won’t feel and look powerful. Sit straight, stand tall—you’ll instantly look more attractive. There’s a reason why Wonder Woman poses the way she does. Power posing = powerful mind and spirit.

9. Break a sweat

Photo from Giphy

Exercising releases endorphins that make you instantly feel better (it’s also what gets you addicted to it). Aside from being scientifically proven to improve the mood, it’s also scientifically proven to make you healthier and more attractive! With Booky Prime, you get to avail of crazy discounts to yoga classes, gym sessions, and more!

10. Learn to love your flaws

Sometimes, it’s all in the mind. Instead of treating your body with criticism, embrace it with love. So instead of being a negatron about things you really don’t have any control over, be an optimist Prime (member) instead!

GIFs from Giphy

Ready for the next step of your makeover? You can type in “NAILS” or  “FACIALS” on the Booky app to discover the best places to get glammed up in Metro Manila.

We’re more than just food at Booky and we’re here to give you the lo-down on the best things to do and discover all over Metro Manila—food, fitness, beauty, and more. Download the Booky app for FREE to discover today’s best idea.