Here’s Haw Haw you can get your hands on this old-school favorite!

Remember that scene from Ratatouille where Anton Ego tastes the food and gets transported back to his childhood? That’s exactly the kind of nostalgia that Haw Haw Milk Spread brings.

Photo from Facebook | Pick & Click

There’s definitely a lot of unique spreads out there that we absolutely love, but this one comes with a heaping side of nostalgia. We just can’t help but remember afternoons after school spent snacking on handfuls of these powdery, milky candy. So the idea of being able to spread it on bread or dip fruit in it? Genius!

Getting your hands on it can’t get any simpler thanks to Pick & Click. All you have to do is simply message them on Facebook and you can get 330 grams for P200. And no, we won’t judge you if you decide to just eat it by the spoonful!

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Cover image from Pick & Click’s Facebook page.