Build those muscles!

Saying “Hasta La Vista” to your baby fat is harder than you think. For a good workout, it’s tantamount that you have good equipment to help you out. But you must be thinking, “what’s the point if I can’t differentiate one machine from the other?”. Don’t fret just yet!

Check out this list and get acquainted with some of the familiar sights in a gym as well as what they do and what they’re for. So that you can choose which machine helps your target the muscles you want toned.

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12. Cable Station or Cable Jungle

Photo from Xtreme Gym Equipment

One of the most noticeable pieces of equipment, the cable station can be confusing because of its inherent versatility – there are different stations and you can change the handles to a rope, a straight bar, or even a V-Bar.

Take note though, the exercises you can do on it are just as versatile. You can isolate muscle groups and workout your biceps, triceps, shoulder muscles, or even your core muscles.

Saftey tip: Test out the weight first and always follow proper form.

11. Pull Up Bar

Photo from Booky

It’s time to pull yourself up and support yourself (literally and figuratively)! With a pull-up bar, you can finally learn to do that move you’ve been seeing on superhero or action movies. Compared to the other machines in a gym, the challenge of the pull-up bar is heavily dependent on what you plan on doing – a traditional pull-up, a chin up, with one arm or both.

Safety tips: Prep yourself before attempting a pull-up and feel free to request for a spotter to help you.

10. Treadmill

Photo from Booky

Perfect for cardio, a treadmill is a piece of equipment that you can be familiar with first. You’ll not only be encouraged to do what you’ve been doing all your life – walking, jogging, or running (away from your problems).

You can also take those up a notch by either adjusting the speed or the incline. If you’re the type who likes to measure your vitals, some treadmills have the technology to measure your heart rate and your calories to show you how much you’re loosing.

Safety Tip: You can hold on to the treadmill handles for stability.

9. Stationary Bike

Photo from Booky

You don’t have to use training wheels or know how to balance to get on this bike. Perfect as a low-impact exercise the two kinds of stationary bikes – a recumbent bike and an upright bike – can develop your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles.

If you’re looking for a challenge, you can either increase the resistance so it’ll be harder to pedal or take spin classes for high-intensity interval training.

Safety Tip: Feel free to adjust the seat angle and seat height until you’re comfortable to lessen the chance of having an injury.

Check out: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Your First Indoor Cycling Session

8. Elliptical Trainer

Photo from Booky

If you’re not into sitting back while pedaling then the elliptical trainer is the gym equipment you might be interested in. You pedal similar to pedaling a bike but feel like you’re running only without much effort or resistance.

If you want to work out your arms, you can hold on to the elliptical handlebars but if not, there are also stationary handlebars you can hold on to. To make it more difficult, you can adjust the incline and the resistance.

Safety Tip: Always maintain proper alignment when running – back straight, shoulders back, and head held high.

7. Rowing Machine

Photo from Booky

Row, row, row, your . . . machine? Yes, no need to go to the water to experience what it’s like to row a boat. With the rowing machine, you don’t only get your dose of cardiovascular exercises and strength training exercise but you also get to exercise your entire body. A machine for impact-free exercises, this machine can also be used by people with joint pain or discomfort.

Safety tip: Prevent twisting and turning when pulling and always keep both hands on the handle.

6. Chest Press

Photo from Booky

Now, onto the presses. One you might see in a gym is the Seated Chest Press. If you’re not into pushups, then this could be a much easier alternative. With this machine, you can work out your chest, biceps, and triceps, as well as strengthen and build the muscles in the targeted areas.

Safety Tips: Always adjust the seat height, backrest and handles to have proper form. Don’t shock yourself by trying the machine out with heavy weights. Instead, gradually increase the weight as you go along. Move with slow, steady and controlled movements.

Also read: How to Navigate the Gym for First Timers

5. Leg Press

Photo from Booky

Another press you might see, aside from pressed juices in jugs from those hardcore health buffs, is a leg press. The two kinds of leg presses are the standard horizontal leg press and the 45-degree leg press. However, you don’t have to choose one or the other to strengthen and develop your quadriceps, the hamstrings of your thighs, and gluteus (to be truly thicc).

Safety tips: Don’t rush, relax your head on the headrest, and don’t lock out your knees – extend your knees until they’re completely straight – to prevent injuries.

4. Stair climber or Step Machine

Photo from Booky

It never ends! A stair climber or step machine can best be described as a never-ending escalator. A machine that can be used to tone your thigh muscles, gluteus, calves, and legs, the step machine is easy to use and is perfect for those with knee and hip issues because it’s a low impact workout. No need to be bothered by people on an escalator standing in your way on this machine!

Safety tips: Always keep your feet flat, don’t slouch and keep moving at a steady pace.

3. Lat Pulldown

Photo from Booky

The Lat Pulldown Machine – “Lat” referring to the lattisimus dorsi which is one of the targeted muscle areas of this machine – isn’t only limited to developing the lattisimus dorsi but also the biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles.

You can also use this machine to prepare you for the feeling of pull-ups and if you’re looking to switch your movements up on this machine, you can perform pulldowns in various ways: seated, standing, and held with an underhand grip.

Safety tips: Don’t force the bar to touch your clavicles if you can’t or change your back angle just to lift the weights.

2. Free Weights (Kettlebells, Barbells, Dumbbells, and Medicine Balls) and a Bench

Photo from Booky

Build your way up to carrying the weight of the world with a variety of weights offered in gyms. A few of the most common weights that are present are dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, and kettlebells. Normally paired with a bench for more resistance, all of these weights have their own purposes with the kettlebell as the weight that could be paired with more various exercises compared to the others.

Safety tips: Don’t hold your breath when lifting and ask someone to be your spotter when lifting.

Check out: Strength Training 101: No Pain, No Gain

1. Equipment for Flexibility (Mats, Resistance Bands, Foam Rollers, Exercise Balls)

Photo from Booky

Among all of the equipment that’s present in the gym, ones that are meant to improve your flexibility are the most versatile. You can practically do anything with them – yoga, pilates, sit-ups or warm-ups. Plus, there are several pieces of equipment that you can choose from: mats, exercise balls, balance trainers, resistance bands, balance boards, and foam rollers.

Safety tips: Don’t overstretch on the first go. Improve your flexibility by gradually challenging yourself.

Now that you have the low down on some of the pieces of gym equipment, go and get swole! Don’t forget, however, to execute your exercise with proper form, to hydrate, and to breathe in between movements.

Think you’re ready to hit the gym? Check out Top 10 Most Loved Fitness Gyms in Metro Manila. Make sure to download the Booky app to check out discounts at the gym of your choice. Also, feel free to tag our Instagram (@bookyapp) so we can see your journey to your #fitnessgoals.

Do you even lift (your phone), bro? You can use the Booky app to search for new fitness activities and places to workout. iPhone, Android, no internet, we got you, fam.

We’re more than just food at Booky and we’re here to give you the lo-down on the best things to do and discover all over Metro Manila—food, fitness, beauty, and more. Download the Booky app for FREE to discover today’s best idea.