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We decided over at Booky that it’s high time to go beyond food and give you more. There’s so much to do and discover and we’re opening up Metro Manila to help you find your flavor starting with fitness and beauty. The new and improved Booky is stronger and cuter than ever.
A gym full of equipment and people. For some, it’s home; for you… it’s probably uncharted territory. But you’ve heard from others that the longer you stay and work at it, the closer you’ll be to finding the buried treasure – the weight loss or muscle gain that you’ve been desiring all your life.
However, you don’t know where to start or what to do. Don’t worry, just so you don’t go there empty-handed, here’s a low-down on a few things you should know.
10. Do your Research

It’s best if you don’t just dive right into working out willy-nilly. So, here are three things that you ought to know:
- Know what the gym looks like – does it have the equipment that you need, does it offer space where you can stretch, or are there any classes which they offer that you might like to take.
- Know the essentials that you need in your gym bag.
- Know the basics when it comes to the gym equipment you see in the photos that you’ve researched (but if you still don’t know how, trainers are still there to guide you anyway).
9. Safety First
Always keep in mind: Safety first. Know the limits of your body. Feel free to consult a doctor beforehand so that you’d know if you can handle your own workout plan or better yet, allow your doctor to suggest a fitness regime that works for your body.
Also, if you find instructions on the gym equipment, do follow those instructions, it’s meant to guide you so that you’ll have a safe and productive workout.
8. Ask Questions

If you don’t verbalize your questions, you won’t get any answers to them. The staff and the trainers don’t bite. A tip to those who are shy, you can ask questions before you go to the gym by calling them or e-mailing them.
7. Clean Up After Yourself
Right after you use a piece of equipment, don’t forget to “wash” and wipe. You can use baby wipes/wet wipes, tissue paper and sanitizer, or a spare small towel/retazzo. It’s not only sanitary but it’ll also help you focus more on yourself and your workout ’cause you’re not soaked in someone else’s sweat.
6. Mind someone else’s personal space

If in relationships, it’s encouraged that you give each other some space, even more so to strangers who exercise near you in the gym. Keeping enough distance between you and another gym user doesn’t only help keep you safe – they might drop a weight on your foot or elbow you in the face – but also allows you both to focus more on what you’re doing.
5. Know that No One is Looking at You
As painful as it may sound, no one really cares about you (in this context). They’re either too busy trying to figure out the machine or too focused on finishing their workout that they don’t have the time to notice you.
So go and release your inner beast, sweat like a pig, and enjoy your workout. Because if you don’t really notice them while you do your workout, they’re most likely doing the same.
4. Sharing is Caring

Share gym equipment especially when you no longer have to use it anymore. There are so many other pieces of gym equipment that you can try out and allotted areas where you can sit down, take a break, and cool down. If you have to go back, feel free to tell the person that you’re going to use it afterward or if you’re shy, stake the area and jump at the moment when it’s empty.
3. No Distractions

You go to a gym not to continuously take selfies and tag them with #workout nor are you there to scout there for your future partner with the assistance of Tinder, you’re there to get the most of your workout. So, keep your phone away from you for a more effective workout.
You may want to keep it in a locker that you’ve rented, in your gym bag that’s right by you, or slide it in the slot found on gym equipment or in your armband.
2. You Bring a Friend (if you want so you can exercise better)
The more, the merrier they say. Tagging a friend along to join you in your workouts cannot only benefit you but your friend as well. You can both be the spotters for each other, be the cheerleader for each other, join each other in group classes and even keep each other accountable for your workouts. Who knows, if others see that you’re having fun, they might want to join in too.
1. Fake it until you make it

Most people don’t get it on their first try, but it’s better to try than not to at all. You’ll be so used to faking it and doing it that eventually, you won’t realize that you already got things down.
Don’t know where to start? Check out the Top 10 Most Loved Fitness Gyms in Metro Manila. Head down to a gym near you and give it a try! With Booky, you can get more for less! Just check out the fitness section on the Booky app and check which deals suit your needs.
We’re more than just food at Booky and we’re here to give you the lo-down on the best things to do and discover all over Metro Manila—food, fitness, beauty, and more. Download the Booky app for FREE to discover today’s best idea.