The face mask that’s most ap-PEEL-ing to your skin!

Who doesn’t love a good face mask? Staying in, freshly showered, face mask on and ready to watch your favourite series on Netflix… who says staying in was boring??

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There are so many face masks to choose from that sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming and it’s easy to think that any will do but really, it isn’t a one size fits all thing!

Face masks address different kinds of concerns so there’s definitely one that’s perfect for your skin type, trust us. Here are the most popular types of face masks, what problems they target, and what they actually do.

Peel Off Masks

Peel off masks are perfect for oily skin as they help remove excess oil while sloughing off dead skin cells thus revealing smoother skin.

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You should also avoid peel off masks that you usually see online wherein people experience extreme discomfort while peeling it off, this’ll irritate your skin and may lead to damage. Stick to gentle ones because it doesn’t necessarily mean the harder to remove, the more dirt you’ll get off.

Clay & Charcoal Masks

Clay and charcoal masks are perfect for oily, combination, and acne prone skin. Clay masks have been popular lately and for good reason as they absorb excess oil, help lighten pigmentation, and clean out pores.

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Charcoal, on the other hand, sucks up all the dirt from our pores which is why you’ll notice a lot of charcoal facials now.

Brightening Masks

Brightening masks usually come in a cream-like form and is applied to your face like how you would with your moisturiser. These are for those looking to lighten their dark spots and acne marks. Some brands allow you to either leave it on overnight or rinse off after the prescribed time.

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The usual key ingredients in this type of facial mask are vitamin c and or niacinamide, their best known for their brightening properties.

Overnight Masks

Also known as sleep masks, this type of facial mask is best for normal to dry skin because it’s meant to deliver tons of moisture.

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Fun fact: It's been said that their lighter consistency is for the purpose of avoiding a greasy pillowcase as you sleep.

Compared to the usual creamy moisturisers, overnight masks are lighter in consistency but is still recommended as the very last step to your night time routine.

Sheet Masks

Sheet masks are the most common lately and address a variety of skin care concerns. They’re usually cotton sheets sealed in with beneficial ingredients and are left on your face for around 10-15 mins maximum.

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Have an idea already on what face mask to get for your next me-time? Just make sure that they don’t contain harmful ingredients such as alcohol or perfume and your skin will thank you!

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