Can you believe it?

It’s fall season! This means that aside from all things apple, all things pumpkin are once again the trend. More specifically, the pumpkin spice latte has made its way to the menu of notable coffee shops.

If you’re a fan of this unique, warm drink and you want to try an alternative to your usual at a certain coffee chain, we have some good news for you! DOT Coffee may just offer its own version of a pumpkin-spiced latte soon.

Photo from Facebook | Dot Coffee

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Want to know more about DOT Coffee?

DOT Coffee is a coffee concept from ghost kitchen, Mad Eats. That being said, if you’re an avid fan, you probably already know that they’ve only ever delivered straight to your home.

Also Read: 17 Vegan-Friendly Cafes in the Metro

While getting your drinks delivered whenever and wherever you want is convenient, now, you can also enjoy your favorite drinks from DOT Coffee at their first-ever kiosk located at W City Center. After all, nothing beats getting your drinks and eats fresh from establishments themselves!

Photo from @drink.dotcoffee

Apart from the classics, expect to see their “more interesting” and out-of-the-box drinks like their Ube Cheese Frappe, Cookie Butter Oat Latte, Dirty Trio, and selection of dairy-free milk alternatives.

Photo from Booky

DOT Coffee is located at W City Center, BGC, and is open from 7 am to 8 pm daily.

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