“Will go anywhere as long as it’s with you.”

Planning a date can be overwhelming especially if there’s a special occasion involved. Even if you’re the low-key type of couple, there are times where you would want to put a little bit more effort, especially on Valentine’s Day.

Of course, every date should be as heartfelt and as memorable as the last one. However, we know that some people might have a hard time coming up with date ideas – more so now where we’re currently experiencing a global pandemic. So it’s totally understandable if Valentine’s Day might be different this time. That’s why we came up with these date ideas for every budget, to help and inspire those who are still at a loss on what to do.

Budget: (Almost) Zero

We understand that some of us might still be reeling from the Holidays, and our pockets are still a bit light money-wise. That’s okay, because as Mama J.Lo said: “My love don’t cost a thing”.

You don’t need a lot of money to come up with the best V-day date. All you need is a little bit of imagination and a lot of creativity.

curate a Spotify playlist together

Just like in our holiday gift ideas, a personalized Spotify playlist is one of those presents that is both sweet and considerate. It’s not really that easy to curate a playlist especially if it’s intended for a certain person – not unless music is your passion.

Turn it into a date by making your SO a co-author of the playlist so you can take turns adding songs. You can do this together physically or even virtually. Make it much more memorable by telling the reason why you chose those songs to be on it.

Photo from Facebook | Spotify

Here are some playlist ideas for you:

  • A playlist for when you and your jowa are just making landi.
  • A playlist of all the songs that remind you of your jowa.
  • A sexy playlist for well.. *ahem* the more mature couples.

diy a romantic movie night at home

Cinemas have been closed since last year which is a total bummer for movie-loving couples. But you can recreate this set-up inside the comforts of your own home. You can even make it better!

There are tons of great ideas you can find online on how you can turn one of your rooms into that perfect Pinterest-looking DIY theater. Plus, you don’t have to spend at all (or much) to do this. If you have an outdoor space, create a DIY outdoor movie theater under the stars.

Photo from Pexels

Line up all those romantic films that you and your SO both love and enjoy, make some popcorn and snuggle underneath the blanket. Now, that’s a perfect night!

have a date night at home

If you and your partner are living together, this should be easy. Not unless you’re planning it to be a surprise. If you guys aren’t then it’s going to be a little tricky during this time especially if you’re living with your family.

Nonetheless, having a simple date night at home can be done in various ways. From a homecooked meal to a romantic game night, you can achieve this oldie but goodie date idea easily. It can even be done virtually.

Photo from Pexels

There are a lot of restaurants and shops that offer a special Valentine’s Day menu that you can order for delivery in the metro that isn’t expensive. You can choose from your favorite restaurants or new ones to try for your home date night.

Budget: Sakto Lang

Have enough on your wallet? Then these date ideas are certainly right up your alley.

take a workshop or class together

Nothing beats quality time. It’s one of the best presents you can give anyone you love this Valentine’s day. Take it up a notch by trying something your partner loves even if it’s something you aren’t necessarily interested in.

Photo from Facebook | Tahanan Pottery Shop

There are a lot of online or socially-distanced workshops around Manila — from creative to culinary to exercise-type classes. Here are some ideas:

book that restaurant with a view

Nothing like an amazing view of the city or nature to set a romantic mood. There are certain restaurants in the metro that you can book a reservation for that Valentine’s Day date night. If you have the means, you can even go to places like Tagaytay to get that picturesque backdrop for an even lovelier time.

Photo from @balaydako

Check out our updated list of romantic Tagaytay restaurants for more on this!

Budget: What Budget?

If money is no object for you – especially if it’s for the person or people you love the most, these date ideas shouldn’t be a problem. Oh, what a place to be in!

rent that yacht you’ve only seen done in movies

It may sound bougie but renting a yacht for Valentine’s Day is going to be quite a level up from fine-dining in restaurants. Who wouldn’t want to spend a special day on a yacht, watching a magnificent sunset? Add to that some amazing food and wine, then you’ll certainly make hearts do all kinds of strokes – get it?

Photo from Facebook | Gallo Yacht Charter

get away for the weekend

Traveling might be limited still, but there are many ways you can have a staycation within the city or somewhere nearby. From local hotels to airbnbs, we’re certain you’ll find the right place to have some QT with your cutie!

Photo from Facebook | The Farm at San Benito

When planning an overnight stay outside the metro, make sure to do your research on the location’s health and safety guidelines, and to make sure to follow them. There’s no present better than securing the safety of your loved ones. Now, go the extra mile and book that couple’s massage you both deserve.

We know you loved using the Booky app for discovering the newest places in your city. Given these extraordinary times, we want to continue being helpful during these trying times so check out our updated food delivery guide,  restaurants that just reopenedwhere to shop for groceries online, and more.