It doesn’t take a latte of effort!

Though this COVID-19 crisis can be anxiety-inducing, there’s no need to panic. We’re here to help you in any way we can⁠—and coffee is something we know a lot (maybe, too much) about! If you’re having coffee withdrawals, try out these recipes to get your caffeine kick!

For anyone stuck at home in need of some assistance, we’ve got you covered. Here are 6 ways on How To Upgrade Your Coffee Game during the quarantine. Who knows? You might find yourself in the barista business soon!

Kori Kohi

If you’re familiar with UCC’s iced coffee cube drink, you’ll be surprised that it doesn’t require that many ingredients! Kori Kohi is essentially iced coffee cubes served in a glass of milk. P.S. Feel free to add chocolate milk powder or even condensed milk into your coffee mixture!


  • 2-3 tablespoons of instant coffee
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • whole milk
  • sugar (optional)
  • chocolate milk powder (optional)
  • condensed milk (optional)

What to do:

1. Melt your instant coffee in hot water.

2. Pour in an empty ice cube tray and freeze overnight and the color is opaque. If you’re impatient, just wait until it’s frozen.

3. Place your coffee cubes in a glass and pour milk in.

4. Enjoy!

Vietnamese Egg Coffee

The Vietnamese Egg Coffee is no stranger to the internet. Known for its odd combination of coffee and egg, you’ll be surprised by how delicious Vietnam’s specialty drink actually is! Although the process seems quite meticulous, we’ve found a recipe that’s beginner-friendly. P.S. You don’t necessarily need a coffee filter similar to the video.

If you’re afraid to get salmonella (who isn’t?), the egg mixture is in hot coffee which means the egg is almost pasteurized!


  • 2 tbsp instant coffee
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tbsp sweetened condensed milk

What to do:

1. Brew 1 cup of coffee. Set aside.

2. Add the egg yolks and sweetened condensed milk to a pitcher and whip with a hand mixer.

3. Continue whipping until you achieve soft peaks and the mixture has thickened.

4. Spoon in your egg mixture on top of your cup of coffee. Mix and enjoy!

Dalgona Coffee

This recipe is perfect if you have leftover instant coffee at home. Here’s a pro tip: Using 3-in-1 coffee won’t get you the same level of foam as compared to instant coffee, but it’s still possible if that’s what you have at home!

Ingredients (good for 1 serving):

  • 1 tbsp instant coffee
  • 1 tbsp Sugar (white or brown)
  • 1 tbsp Hot water
  • 400ml Milk
  • Ice
  • Coffee jelly (optional)

What to do:

1. Combine instant coffee, sugar, hot water, and milk in a bowl

2. Use a hand mixer to mix for around 2 to 4 minutes or until you reach your preferred foaminess. You can also get an arm workout in and mix it by hand until it thickens!

3. Transfer to a glass with ice and milk and enjoy your Dalgona Coffee! 

ALSO READ: Unique Recipes to Upgrade Your Dalgona Coffee!

Ca Phe Sua Da

Don’t be surprised that Vietnam has made it to the list again. Vietnam’s coffee game is undeniably strong, which is why they’re one of the largest purveyors in the business. FYI, this isn’t the last Vietnamese coffee recipe on our list. If you don’t have a Vietnamese coffee filter, using a French press will do (or you know, you can brew instant coffee. We won’t judge!)


  • 4 tbsp ground coffee
  • 2 tsp sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • ice

What to do:

1. Pour 2 tsp of sweetened condensed milk in a glass.

2. Brew your coffee on top of the glass with condensed milk using the Vietnamese coffee filter! If you don’t have a filter, you can simply brew your coffee the way you usually do.

3. Pour in your coffee on top of the glass with condensed milk. Mix, top with ice, and enjoy!

Coconut Coffee

Sounds delicious, right? Vietnam’s Coconut Coffee only uses three ingredients, too! If you’ve got dusty cans of coconut milk and condensada in your pantry, you better put them to good use with this delicious coffee recipe!


  • coffee
  • coconut milk
  • condensed milk

What to do:

1. Pour the coconut milk in a Ziploc bag and put it in the freezer. Set aside until frozen.

2. When your coconut milk has frozen, start pouring some ice into your blender. Pour in the coconut milk. Blend until it’s a slushie.

3. Brew coffee in a glass. Spoon in the coconut milk slushie.

4. Enjoy!

Iced Green Tea Latte

It’s sweltering hot in Metro Manila right now, so you’d better pour yourself a glass of this iced green tea latte. This recipe doesn’t actually have coffee, but it has the word “latte” in it, so close enough. We’re kidding. Feel free to add coffee jelly or perhaps, coffee cubes to the mix!


  • 1 tbsp green tea powder
  • 1 tbsp white sugar
  • 50 mL hot water
  • 200 mL milk
  • ice
  • 2 tbsp sweetened red beans (optional)

What to do:

1. Scoop your sweetened red beans into a glass. Top it with ice cubes.

2. In a separate glass, combine the green tea, sugar, and water. Pour it on top of the glass with red beans.

3. Pour in some milk and enjoy!

Have another coffee recipe up your sleeves? DM us on Instagram at @bookyapp for your suggestions. We know that right now might seem uncertain—and believe us, uncertainty can be scary, but here’s one thing we know for sure: we’re here for you. Take care always! – The Booky Team

Cover image from @findyourhappyplate.